YADCA’s achievements since 1990 have been the result of many varied and strongly-fought campaigns.
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YADCA was formed in 1990 in response to the controversy surrounding the planned upgrade of the Bruce Highway which would result in it passing on an embankment through the centre of town.
YADCA took a lead role in community debate and education about the implications of the six lane highway bisecting the town.
After public consultation and investigation an independent consultancy recommended the eastern bypass route we have today, which was completed in 1997. YADCA welcomed the independent investigation and its result.
Following the bypass, the Maroochy Shire Council (as it was then) drew up a Yandina Town Centre Master Plan (2002) after extensive community consultation.
The implementation of that plan is still being pursued by YADCA and the Yandina Chamber of Commerce.
Over the years YADCA has lobbied Council to commit funds to Yandina’s Streetscaping Master Plan and improvements have been made to Memorial Park, Stevens and Farrell Streets. Yandina’s CBD is now more pedestrian friendly with slow vehicle movement, crossing points, seating and shade trees.
Parking availability has been increased with Council leasing railway land for both recreational vehicles (RVs) and cars. Directional signs are now in place to assist visitors.
The visual amenity of historic Yandina has also been enhanced. The streetscaping at the intersection of Farrell Street and Stevens Street and the northern section of Farrell Street was completed in mid 2019.
YADCA was responsible for this long running community event in the 1990s.

YADCA supported community opposition to the planned introduction of heavy industry on prime agricultural land at Bridges.
A sub group called RAID@Bridges (Residents Against Industrial Development) was established in 2005 to spearhead community opposition. Their campaign was ultimately successful and in 2008 the Queensland government announced the planned development would not proceed.
YADCA was instrumental in alerting the community to a planned ‘mega dump’ and later a quarry on Browns Creek Road, Yandina.
Packed community meetings followed by dozens of submissions resulted in the dump being removed from the Council agenda in 2005/6; and the quarry was removed from the South East Queensland Sunshine Coast planning scheme in 2014 after strong opposition and a YADCA presentation at a Sunshine Coast Council meeting.
YADCA has been instrumental in securing bus shelters in town and has had ongoing correspondence with Translink in an effort to ensure the community is better served by public transport.
Road Safety issues such as the single lane bridge on Yandina Bli Bli Road have been the focus of ongoing correspondence with the State Member and the Department of Transport.
YADCA has also expressed concern about the safety of school children and residents crossing Nambour Connection Road and James Low Bridge.

YADCA has energetically lobbied state and local governments to improve Yandina’s walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure through submissions to:
- Draft Recreational Trail Strategy
- Draft Environment and Liveability Strategy
- Draft Waste Strategy
- Draft Parking Strategy
- Draft Cultural Heritage Strategy.
YADCA has also had input into Draft SEQ Regional Plans, Sunshine Coast Council’s Planning Scheme and Development Applications.
YADCA and the wider community successfully lobbied Council for the provision of a public toilet in King George VI Park and an upgrade to the facilities in Memorial Park to cater for the disabled.
YADCA actively supported community opposition to a planned housing development in the vicinity of the waterfall on the south western slope of Mt Ninderry.
Council subsequently rejected the development application which was subsequently challenged in court. Friends of Ninderry residents group and the Sunshine Coast Council won the court case.
Using funds from its environmental levy, Council purchased the land and declared it a conservation area. YADCA had input into the Mt Ninderry conservation management plan which was subsequently established.
YADCA has made submissions to Council to preserve Yandina’s cultural heritage. Successful campaigns have included:
- preservation of the railway station and goods shed
- the crane and truss railway bridge in the railway complex
- the gate keeper’s cottage, which was relocated from Wharf Street to the Historic House site in 2019.

In May 2016 YADCA’s then President Marie Reeve received a Nicklin Community Service Award in recognition of her years of commitment to the local community.

In August 2014 about 20 volunteers from a range of community groups donned gloves and garbage bags to clean up the streets in the lead-up to the annual Yandina Street Fair.