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YADCA June 2024
June 10, 2024 - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
YADCA Get-Together Monday June 10 2024 at Connections, Low St, Yandina. 7pm.
In the absence of a secretary, our YADCA get-together will be an informal discussion. We will follow a similar but less formal format where we share news and developments but our major focus will be on:
- How we go about finding a secretary.
- How we go forward while looking for a secretary and
- How the role of secretary may be made more manageable, be it by sharing more of the load or reducing the frequency of meetings.
There is an Office of Fair Trading requirement that YADCA must have a secretary to be able to continue. I need you all to be thinking about how you can help. Do you know someone who may fill the role? Could you ask them if they would consider volunteering?
The secretary’s role involves:
- Sending & receiving emails & correspondence.
- Preparing meeting agendas (in consultation with the president)
- Attending and taking the minutes of meetings.
- Keeping a registrar of members.
I look forward to seeing you all and having a productive discussion on the way forward for YADCA.
Kind regards,
YADCA President
0487 467 270
Development Monitor Report June 2024
Refreshments available for gold coin donation.
New members and visitors are welcome to attend.
YADCA meets on the second Monday of the month unless it is a public holiday, in which case an alternative date will be advised. New members and visitors are welcome to attend.
Our Councilors and MPs are always welcome speaking guests.
For further information about the Yandina and District Community Association contact:
Secretary: Ruth Tregale
Email: secretary@yadca.org
Web: yadca.org
Facebook: facebook.com/yadcayandina