How was the decision made to close CREIGHTONS ROAD? It was not a requirement of the Department of Transport and Main Roads nor of the Sunshine Coast Council but it…
How was the decision made to close CREIGHTONS ROAD? It was not a requirement of the Department of Transport and Main Roads nor of the Sunshine Coast Council but it…
Council has requested more information from Pearl Investments on their Operational Work (Roadworks, Stormwater, Earthworks) Application. The application fails to comply with a number of the conditions set down as…
YADCA has been operating for some months with a reduced management committee. In an effort to function with a nominal secretary, general meetings requiring an agenda and minutes were done…
Left: SEQ Development Area superimposed on SCRC's My Maps. Right: Concept plan that Council requested as part of a development application for an over 50s retirement resort on Steggalls Road.…
Councillor Law has forwarded us project news on the very early stages of the Stevens Street, Yandina, carpark design investigation. (See P-K7664 Stevens St Yandina Carpark Investigation and Design.pdf) The…
"ShapingSEQ 2023 is the Queensland Government’s long-term vision for added growth in our changing South East Queensland region. It’s a plan to ensure we can accommodate future population growth while…