Police have reported a spike in break and enters in Yandina recently.
Senior Sergeant Gary Brayley from Nambour Police Station said: On 12 Dec 2022 an attempt was made to gain entry to Champagne LuLu which resulted in a window being smashed. Also on the same day, offender/s forced entry in Café Invigor8 and stole the cash register and a charity box.
Over the weekend of 9-12 Dec 2022, a number of cars parked on Old Gympie Road were broken into and property taken. A suspect has been identified for these offences.
Between 1-6 Dec 2022 offenders have forced entry into the Yandina Feedbarn, At Odds Coffee shop, Bar Deco and peoples Ink Tattoo. A vehicle was used to force open doors to the Feedbarn to gain entry and a quantity of property was taken. I don’t believe the Feedbarn offence is linked to the others. Suspects have been identified and all matters remain under investigation.