YADCA President’s Report 2018

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YADCA AGM, 2 July 2018

New Residential Subdivisions

Yandina is experiencing unprecedented growth with new residential subdivisions off Old Gympie Road and Steggalls Road and urban infill occurring close to the centre of town.

There is also an amendment to the Planning Scheme, currently open for public consultation, which proposes the rezoning of 31 hectares of rural land bordered by Wappa Falls Road, Bracken Fern Road and Creightons Road, to residential. This land, together with rural land north of Steggalls Road was included in Yandina’s urban footprint as a result of a Council submission to the State Government review of the SEQ Regional Plan.

Council has predicted Yandina’s population will grow by 39% in 10 years to 2026. This is a staggering prediction. It will be a struggle for Yandina to retain its laid-back country town atmosphere with such rapid growth, particularly if the infrastructure lags behind. In addition to these pressures, the threatened destruction of remnant forest on Steggalls Road for another housing estate and the Tourist Park application on Carrs Road raise serious concerns. YADCA has taken a stand on some of these developments.

Keeping Membership Informed

Secretary, Peter Baulch has done a magnificent job of communicating YADCA’s position on topical issues with all levels of Government and of keeping membership informed.

It is extremely beneficial that Councilor Greg Rogerson attends every meeting and our two State Members of Parliament have also committed to attending relevant meetings. We thank them all for their advocacy on our behalf.

Ongoing Projects

There have been a number of ongoing projects which Councilor Rogerson has been working with the community on.

  • Yandina streetscaping is one. Unfortunately it has been delayed but work continues behind the scenes on the plans and hopefully this financial year, residents will see an improvement in the appearance and safety of Farrell Street.
  • The relocation of the historic gatekeeper’s cottage is another project which is awaiting a Council decision.
  • Solutions are being sought to safety issues regarding the Ninderry Road / Eloura Drive intersection and School Road turnoff and improvements have been made to the Mt Ninderry Conservation Reserve.
  • Residents wanting to catch a bus into Nambour will soon have a shelter and there are new directional signs to the train station, public toilets and RV parking in town. YADCA, supported by the Chamber of Commerce, is working with Council to have Yandina listed as an RV friendly town.
  • Unfortunately, it has been extremely difficult to get any resolution to safety issues identified on State controlled roads. The single lane Caboolture Creek bridge on the Yandina Bli Bli Road was a contender in the Federal Government’s Bridge Renewal Program but failed to receive funding and no action has been taken to provide a safe pedestrian / bike link into town over the South Maroochy River. If the Wappa Falls Road rezoning occurs this safety issues will become critical. Nambour Connection Road has an 80 km speed limit, no street lighting and no dedicated footpath / bikeway.

In concluding, I would like to thank the executive: Peter, Phillip, Lucia and Keith as well as David Carley for their generous contribution of time. Thanks also to Veronica for providing supper, Laurel for her roses on ANZAC Day and YADCA members for caring about our town and district.

Marie Reeve
YADCA President