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Tight squeeze: large vehicles will not fit easily on a narrow estate road

YADCA has written to all candidates for the seat of Nicklin in the upcoming state election, seeking their support over the controversial South West Yandina residential development.

YADCA has provided background. On 23 June this year a Development Application was formally lodged. On 21 July the Sunshine Coast Council wrote to the developer seeking answers to some 15 questions about the development by 21 October 2020.

On August 24, The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) advised that the development application had not adequately demonstrated compliance with the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP) and the applicant was given until the 24 November to respond.

At the same time approximately 50 residents raised concerns with the Council’s Senior Planner Marc Cornell, and copied their letters to Councillor David Law and to YADCA.

In the letter YADCA points out that the developer plans to close Creightons Road and divert residents through the subdivision on a road that has four roundabouts before they can get to the Nambour Connection Road.  “Residents, many of whom have equipment and large vehicles associated with a rural setting see this as unworkable and not safe for the residents of the new development,” the letter says.

“Residents of Creightons Rd, Mt Coombe Rd or Glenrowan Close are concerned that, in the event of a bushfire, efficient evacuation would be difficult if Creightons Road was closed and the only way out was through a 265-lot subdivision with four roundabouts.”

Another issue is lot size. Despite initial claims that the development lot size was 1172 sqm, the real number is 756 sqm when an acceptable outcome in the planning code is an average lot size of at least 800sqm.

“YADCA feels that the applicant has shown a total disregard for the Yandina Local Plan which was amended after public consultation when SW Yandina was added to Yandina’s Urban footprint in accordance with Shaping SEQ and the Planning Regulation 2017.”

“The State Government has approved a significant expansion to Yandina’s urban footprint with no commitment to contribute to infrastructure required to match the growth.

“The proposed site is not well connected to other parts of the urban fabric (town, employment, schools, or recreation areas).  Its location on the south side of the Maroochy River bridge means it will be a car dependent community. Vehicle parking in Yandina is already a problem. There is no safe walking or cycling connection across the South Maroochy River to town, school, sporting fields etc. Nambour Connection Road has no street lighting and is an 80 km/h zone at Wappa Falls Road intersection. There is no pedestrian crossing or refuge on Nambour Connection Road to enable safe access to the south bound bus stop. Buses are infrequent and limited to one route (Nambour – Noosa) with long waits for connections. It is unlikely that residents will be attracted to use public transport,” the letter concludes.

YADCA President Nigel Anns says YADCA and its members are not opposed to good development.  “But with that development must come the responsibility from the council and State Government to consider how the existing community interfaces with the development and how the new community can reasonably access the resources in town,” he said.