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Expansion of Yandina’s urban footprint north to Lees Road.
  • Post category:Bridges
expand Yandina's urban footprint north
The large area of land at Yandina / Bridges for future urban expansion.

The identification of a large area of land at Yandina / Bridges for future urban expansion raises many questions. How did this happen without any community consultation?

The plan to expand Yandina’s urban footprint north to Lees Road came as a complete surprise just before Christmas 2023. There had been no consultation on its inclusion in the State Government’s Shaping SEQ 2023 Plan. It did not appear in the draft version of the plan, which was open to community consultation. As submissions remain confidential, it is difficult to know how this decision was made.

This is long-term planning. It first has to be included in the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Planning Scheme. Cr Law has told the Yandina and District Community Association (YADCA) that it is not in the Planning Scheme currently under review, which will be released for comment early next year.

The land is now quarantined from any land use change. Property owners within the zone will not be allowed to reconfigure their blocks or apply for a material change of use. The land will remain rural until the site is “master planned”. Stockland has produced a concept plan for the development area, which includes residential, commercial, and industrial zones.

Infrastructure is meant to accompany this type of large-scale development and link it to town but will that infrastructure include a highway interchange north of Yandina’s central business district in order to keep heavy traffic out of the centre of town? YADCA took the opportunity at the Community Cabinet on the Sunshine Coast to ask Minister Grace Grace if a highway interchange north of Yandina’s town centre was being considered.

Planning for a development of this magnitude with limited access must consider the impact it will have on the town and its current facilities. It should be conditioned upon an upgrade to the existing facilities and infrastructure in Yandina as well as providing for the influx of residents within the development area.