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YADCA has been operating for some months with a reduced management committee. In an effort to function with a nominal secretary, general meetings requiring an agenda and minutes were done away with and forums were introduced. This format has been well received by those who attend monthly. Fortunately YADCA has members who have taken on specific responsibilities to help spread the work load. Special mention must go to Vice President, Keith, and former secretary, Libbie, who have worked with me to give our community a voice. Keith has also represented YADCA at the Organisation Sunshine Coast Association of Residents (OSCAR), the Queensland Water and Land Care (QWaLC) AGM and on the Nambour to Coolum Trail working group. Libbie completed the YADCA submission to the Draft Shaping SEQ 2023 Plan and has volunteered to be on the Joint Focus Group for the Dog Exercise Area Regional Plan. YADCA’s current secretary, Ruth, steered the review of our Model Rules which was required by the Office of Fair Trading and she and Ian, our treasurer, have done a marvellous job of keeping members informed with detailed minutes and financial reports. I extend my sincere thanks to members who have taken on official and unofficial roles to help keep YADCA achieving its objectives. Your time and commitment is appreciated.

Given YADCA’s human resource limitations much has been achieved this year, mostly in collaboration with Council. I thank Cr Law for following up on issues raised at YADCA meetings. YADCA has advocated for improvements to Yandina’s infrastructure and the push for better footpaths and active transport links around Yandina has started showing results with path upgrades and new links appearing. This has been helped by the involvement of Damien Jones from the Active Transport Advisory Committee and Rebecca Swan from the Yandina State School P&C. Using data collected by YADCA, the School’s P&C made a submission to the State Government, requesting improvements to local footpaths and Council commissioned the Active Transport Improvements Plan for Yandina State School. This study has prioritized the improvements needed in Yandina’s footpath network and YADCA has used it to lobby both the Member for Nicklin, Rob Skelton, and the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. Halycon/Stockland has used the Plan to inform their Infrastructure Agreement with Council. In addition, I have been invited to be on the Focus Group for the Sunshine Coast New Active Transport Plan.

Plans for Yandina’s dog park are progressing and construction will start this financial year. The old bowls club site has been retained for future inclusion in King George VI Park. Council has attempted to rectify the drainage problem at Coast to Bay, the gatekeeper’s cottage now has an information sign and Cr Law has sought an increase in funding for gravel roads and instigated a review of the assessment criteria for both the lower order road and gravel road sealing program. Members initiated the restoration of the Welcome to Yandina signs and my thanks go to those involved.

YADCA has scrutinized development applications which are of interest to residents. The approval of a service station in Yandina’s heritage precinct and the fuel tanker route through the residential part of town has raised serious concerns as has the issue of fire and emergency evacuation when Creightons Road is closed with the development of SW Yandina. Traffic management at Morgans Transport Depot has been questioned. YADCA responded to residents’ concerns about the potential impact of a development application for large scale intensive agricultural greenhouses and workers accommodation on Bunya Road. This was approved in December with 102 conditions. YADCA is following the assessment process of a number of development applications including Halycon/Stocklands’ plans for a 250 lot retirement village north of Steggalls Road. I thank Anita for monitoring development.i on a monthly basis.

The Shaping SEQ 2023 Plan to expand Yandina’s urban footprint north to Lees Road came as a surprise. There had been no public consultation on its inclusion in the Shaping SEQ 2023 Plan. It did not appear in the draft version. Property owners within the zone will not be allowed to reconfigure their blocks or apply for a material change of use. Infrastructure is meant to accompany this “master planned” development. YADCA took the opportunity at the Community Cabinet on the Sunshine Coast to ask Minister Grace Grace if a highway interchange north of Yandina’s central business district was being considered in order to keep heavy traffic out of the center of town.

Topics as diverse as the expansion of Yandina’s urban footprint, development applications, park and footpath upgrades, local history, consultation on the Draft Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve Landscape Plan and the Yandina Street Fair have been publicized, mainly on social media platforms. The fact that there are 742 followers on the YADCA Facebook page indicates that locals are interested in what is happening in their town and district. Hopefully YADCA can continue to provide a venue for discussion and the volunteer base to progress the aspirations of the community.

Marie Reeve
YADCA President

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