YADCA President’s Report 2019

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YADCA AGM, 5 August 2019

Yandina is experiencing rapid population growth with Council predicting a 39% increase in the decade to 2026. This has enlivened the town but brings with it challenges which YADCA has sought to highlight and have rectified.

The biggest challenge is ensuring infrastructure keeps up with demand as this is largely out of our hands. All YADCA can do is lobby for what is needed.

SW Yandina Subdivision

The yet to be developed SW Yandina subdivision will add to the already unsafe conditions for pedestrians and cyclists accessing town, school and bus stops along Nambour Connection Road.

YADCA has raised concerns about pedestrian safety with both our State and Local representatives many times but has been unable to effect any change in the situation.

“Tourist Park”

The prospect of a “tourist park” outside the Planning Scheme on good quality agricultural land at Bridges throws up similar issues if long term residents become the main clients.

It is outside the urban footprint, not on a bus route and there is no footpath or cycle way linking it to town. It should not be approved.

Single Lane Bridge on the Yandina Bli Bli Road

The single lane bridge on the Yandina Bli Bli Road is another road safety hazard which YADCA has advocated needs urgent attention and yet our politicians have been unable to secure funding to upgrade the bridge.

The recent approval of 15 hectares of greenhouses just after the bridge and the population growth in Yandina and Bli Bli will put more traffic on this road which lacks appropriate bridge infrastructure.

82 Steggalls Road

YADCA has a history of reviewing and making submissions to planning documents and has led public awareness campaigns when they adversely affect Yandina or when development applications breach the planning codes.

The initial development application to clear 70% of the remnant forest and subdivide land at 82 Steggalls Road was contested by YADCA and the wider community. The developer had to modify his plans to comply with the planning code of retaining 70% of the forest.

It is however unfortunate that Council did not have the appetite to acquire this remnant forest with the environment levy. Money is spent planting trees to create corridors elsewhere and yet in Yandina, linkages will be weakened with the destruction of remnant forest containing mature, habitat trees.

Streetscaping Master Plan

Over the past 15 years YADCA has lobbied Council to commit funds to Yandina’s Streetscaping Master Plan and improvements have been made.

Memorial park and the toilet block were upgraded, the Central Business District is now more pedestrian friendly with slow vehicle movement, crossing points, seating and shade trees and parking availability has been retained.

RV and additional parking spaces have been provided on railway land leased to Council and directional signs are now in place to assist visitors. This has been a long process preceded by lengthy public consultation with further consultation throughout the duration of the Plan.

Railway Gate Keeper’s Cottage

Public consultation revealed that the number one priority for residents was the protection of Yandina’s heritage.

At YADCA’s request and with the support of the Yandina Chamber of Commerce and the Yandina Historic Society, Councillor Greg Rogerson succeeded in gaining funding to save and relocate the historic, railway gate keeper’s cottage. Mayor Mark Jamieson has contributed discretionary funds to the project. We thank them both for their commitment to preserving Yandina’s heritage.

Sundial and Hinterland to Headland Poetry Trail

Councillor Rogerson has also been very supportive of Phillip Richards’ sundial project which YADCA helped seed fund and the Yandina section of the Hinterland to Headland Poetry Trail created by the Pente Poets with local contributions from Phillip Richards and Meg Woods. Thank you to Liz Gaskin who set up the web page for the poetry trail.

Keeping Community Informed

If Yandina is to retain its friendly country town feel, there is a need for people to connect with each other and feel part of the community.

To this end, members Liz Gaskin and Robyn Anns are working on a YADCA website and Facebook presence, a YADCA sub group led by Phillip Richards is putting together a welcome pack for new residents and Keith Sweatman and Robyn Anns have prepared press releases on relevant issues to keep the community informed.

YADCA has always provided a report to the quarterly Chamber of Commerce Community Forum and reports from local groups are welcomed at our monthly meetings.

It is wonderful to have members volunteering to cover these jobs and spread the load. I thank them profusely.

Praise must go to YADCA secretary, Peter Baulch for his professionalism. He has keep you informed, maintained meticulous records and done tireless research on YADCA’s behalf. He has also filled in for me in the last 4 months. While Peter is stepping down as secretary I sincerely hope he remains an active member.

I also thank YADCA’s 2 vice presidents; Lucia Hoermann and Meg Woods for chairing meetings in my absence, Phillip Richards followed by Ian Jeisman as YADCA treasurer, Nigel Anns and Peter Baulch for leading the review of YADCA’s constitution, Nigel and Linda Whittington for opening discussions with the owner and developer of SW Yandina and Kahren and Cliff Wentworth for volunteering to take over supper duties from Veronica Carley.

Lastly, I thank Division 10 Councillor, Greg Rogerson who attends every meeting and our State and Federal Members of Parliament who attend when available. Their commitment to representing to wishes of Yandina residents is vital when dealing with government bureaucrats.

I will not be standing for re-election as President however I will continue as an interested and active member. I wish the incoming executive all the best in carrying YADCA forward.

Thank you for your support over the years.

Marie Reeve 
YADCA President