Pearl Investments (Aust) Pty Ltd won its appeal to build a service station on the corner of Farrell and Stevens Street, Yandina on 9 June 2023. This came after Council staff signed a mediated agreement of approval and the 5 day Court hearing before a Judge was cancelled. The agreement that has been reached is a compromise that will adversely impact the town and its residents. It raises questions about where the Council feels its duty lies.

Servo site layout
Service Station site layout.

Modifications were made to the design and location of the shop to better suit the character area of the town centre and the landscaped area on the southern boundary was increased but scenic amenity experts could not agree on the impact of the proposal.

From the beginning it was clear that access to the service station was going to be a problem, but despite that the Council has waved through an approval that will turn the busy centre of Yandina, the Farrell Street/Stevens Street intersection into a traffic, safety and amenity nightmare.

The Joint Experts Report of Traffic Engineers shows that there were concerns about safety and efficiency issues and that there are reservations about the solutions.

The service station entry on Farrell Street is only 25 metres from the Stevens Street intersection on a downhill bend. The poor line of sight means the Farrell Street frontage must remain clear of sight restricting elements in the 0.3m to 2m height range. Traffic engineer, Steve Williams believes the actual sight line is across the footpath and he recommended restricting the Farrell Street access to entry only. Instead vehicles will be allowed to turn left in and left out.

Fuel tankers must enter off Farrell Street however they will require the full width of the driveway to turn in so will have to wait for exiting vehicles to clear the way before they turn. This will hold up the flow of through traffic. In Steve Williams’ view, it is not ideal.

Pedestrians will have 1.5 meters between driveways on Farrell Street instead of the required 3 metres. This is hardly enough room for a parent with a pram or someone on a mobility device.

Fuel tankers and heavy vehicles over 8.8 m in length must exit the site by turning right into Stevens Street then tight left into Buckle Street and left at Old Gympie Road. Stevens and Buckle Streets are narrow residential streets which can become one lane with cars parked either side. There are unitCc complexes, a child care centre and sections lack a footpath. There is no evidence that the feasibility of this route has been assessed. Residential amenity and road safety will be adversely impacted by this ill conceived decision.

Council settled for the cheaper, easier option. A compromise at Yandina’s expense.

Servo exit route of fuel tanker, turning right onto Stevens Street, then left onto Buckle Street, then left onto Old Gympie Road.
Exit route of fuel tanker, turning right onto Stevens Street, then left onto Buckle Street, then left onto Old Gympie Road.