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Proposed entry and exit routes do not comply says SARA

The proposed fuel station in the centre of Yandina does not adequately comply with an important state roads safety code, according to the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA).

On 12 February 2021, SARA issued an advice notice to the applicant, advising that the development plans do not demonstrate that vehicles will not queue onto Farrell Street.

In considering how the development may affect the safety and efficiency of the state-controlled road, Farrell Street, SARA must assess the application against the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP), State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment.  It also relies on expert advice from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR).

This code is designed to protect state-controlled roads ….from adverse impacts of development; and to protect the safety of people using, living and working near state-controlled roads.

In its advice notice, SARA advises the applicant to reply promptly to these concerns.  However, SARA also encourages the use of ‘stop the clock’ provisions to allow sufficient time for the applicant to consider and respond to SARA’s advice, and for SARA to consider any new or changed material provided.

YADCA had previously contacted SARA about the development and you can read their reply here.

You can view all the development application material, including SARA’s advice notice, on the council’s  Development.i   portal by searching for application MCU21/0003, clicking on ‘details’ and then ‘application documents’.