The screening site is located directly opposite Ayrshire Road residential community.

A stockpiling and screening plant is operating in Yandina South Industrial Estate, at 1368 Nambour Connection Road, directly opposite residences in Ayrshire Road, Kulangoor.

While the operation currently does not have Council approval the land is Zoned ‘High Impact’ under the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. A Development Application (DA) to establish a transport depot and high impact industry has been lodged with Sunshine Coast Council and is currently in the assessment phase of the process. As it is code assessable it did not need public notification.

The DA seeks Council permission to run the Stockpiling and Screening operation from 6am to 6pm weekdays and occasionally on Saturdays and when fully operational there will be up to 100 trucks a day going in and out of the site. These will not be limited to set hours meaning night time truck movements are possible from time to time.

Affected residents have raised concerns with YADCA over the noise and dust pollution they are experiencing in their homes. The co-owner of the property has also contacted YADCA and said he is willing to work with residents to mitigate their concerns as much as possible.

To see the full Development Application visit: https://developmenti.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au Click on the Application Search button and key in MCU21/0076

You may lodge a letter of objection or support with Council. Reference MCU21/0076.

Email: mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Mail: Locked bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, Qld. 4560

YADCA meets once a month and is a forum for members to share matters of interest and issues of concern such as this, and discover what actions could or should be taken by the individual, or by the Association to best represent its members.