Zoning Changes in 2021?

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Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment for Yandina

Yandina residents are awaiting the outcome of proposed zoning changes in their area. Council proposed significant changes late last year, and the public had until 4 December 2020 to present submissions for and against.

The Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment*, as it relates to Yandina, was presented to YADCA at its last meeting of 2020 on Monday 9 November.

It concerns two parcels of land:

  • One at the northern edge of Yandina’s existing urban area, generally bound by Brandons Road, Steggalls Road and Browns Creek Road
  • The other is located along Ninderry Road, near the Spirit House restaurant.

The first land parcel, which is currently zoned Rural, would be broken up into three new zones: Low Density Residential, Community Facilities and Landscape Residential.

A Council fact sheet states that this land adjoins Yandina’s existing urban area and therefore provides a logical extension of the existing township to cater for future housing needs up to 2041.

Council Planning Officer Jason Krueger presented the plan to a well-attended and vocal YADCA meeting.

He explained that Council seeks to ensure that the Low Density Residential land would include house lot sizes that are sympathetic to the character of nearby existing residential areas, with an average lot size of 800 square metres, and predominantly for single household detached housing.

Overall, the audience expressed doubt that adequate lot sizes would in fact result.  Many audience members also said they felt that Yandina did not need so much more residential development at this stage.

The proposal to zone some of the land as a Community Facilities zone to probably accommodate a residential care facility and/or retirement facility was not challenged.

However, the notion that just one plot was to be re-zoned as Limited Development or Landscape Residential was greeted with scepticism. Many attendees commented that this was totally inadequate to maintain native habitat.

The second land parcel, on Ninderry Road, is earmarked to provide temporary development of a warehouse for caravan and boat storage.  Many audience members commented that such storage would not be required if existing house lots were larger.

*The Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment includes changes to zoning and local plan provisions for specific sites in Yandina, Bli Bli, Chevallum/Forest Glen and Landsborough.