Read more about the article Greenhouses May Sprout
Vast intensive horticulture development planned for Yandina Bli Bli Rd

Greenhouses May Sprout

A grower is seeking funding for a controversial greenhouse development on the Yandina Bli Bli Road in Maroochy River, according to the Sunshine Coast Daily. Last year Sunshine Coast Council…

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Read more about the article Cucumber Development Doesn’t Take Root
Cucumber Development billboard

Cucumber Development Doesn’t Take Root

The future of a planned cucumber 'factory farm' at Maroochy River is in doubt following the sentencing of the sole director of a company which held the call option rights…

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Read more about the article Intensive Horticulture Needs Thought
Artist’s impression of an intensive horticulture complex.

Intensive Horticulture Needs Thought

Intensive horticulture can have benefits, but the locations of such ‘factory farms’ must be carefully chosen to protect the local environment and visual amenity, according to YADCA President Nigel Anns.…

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Cucumber Factory

A development application  has been lodged with Sunshine Coast Council by an interstate company to build an industrially scaled high tech intensive horticulture business on rural land directly in front of…

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