SW Yandina Request for Information

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Council's development information website, Developmenti

The Sunshine Coast Council has issued a formal Request for Information to the applicant seeking to build the south west Yandina housing development. The developer has until 21 October this year to reply.

The move comes after dozens of letters were written to Marc Connell, head planner for Council, opposing the development and the closure of Creightons Road which would result.

An estimated 50 letters were sent to Marc Cornell, with copies to Councillor David Law and to YADCA.

“Overwhelmingly the key topic of the letters was the proposed closure of Creightons Road and the impact that would have on a largely rural community with their larger vehicles, horse floats and agricultural equipment having to traverse four roundabouts on Road A through the complex,” said YADCA President Nigel Anns.

Concerns about evacuation in regard to bush fires, and entry and exit for emergency services vehicles were also high on the list.

“It was pointed out that traffic reports for the area are two years old and that the Nambour Connection Road traffic has increased with the various other developments in Yandina. There will also be additional traffic into Retreat Crescent from the soon to be constructed Over 50s lifestyle community at the Yandina Caravan Park.

“Many of the letter writers spoke passionately about the rural lifestyle, why they live here,  how that will change, and the disregard for the Yandina local plan.

“Lot sizes were focussed on, where manipulation of numbers had been used to suggest that average lots sizes were 1172 sqm when in fact they are 756sqm.  The dwellings facing existing properties in Bracken Fern Road were supposed to mirror their 40m frontages – they do not.

“Dual key residences could add to the density of people and cars should it go unmanaged.  A number of the letter writers asked for the practice to be banned on this development,” Nigel said.

“YADCA’s next steps will depend on how the applicant responds to the Request for Information. We will keep you informed and you can follow the assessment process on the Developmenti section of the Councils website.”  https://developmenti.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Home/ApplicationSearch. Key in  RAL20/0072 to see the documents associated with the application.

“Please don’t hesitate to contact me or the Secretary if further ideas arise or information is needed.  YADCA will provide regular updates on www.yadca.org and our Facebook page.”